Boiled Shrimp

This recipe is a small version of what people in Louisiana do in a huge boil pot. I’ve scaled it so it can be done inside – for two.

You’ll need two pounds of head on fresh shrimp, a few ears of frozen corn, about a pound of new potatoes (the red tiny potatoes), a peeled onion cut in half, one lemon – halved, 3 cloves of peeled garlic, 3/4 cup of powdered crab boil, a tablespoon of liquid boil,  a teaspoon of your favorite hot sauce.

Place shrimp in a colander and flush with tap water for five minutes or until the water runs clear. The eyes should grow in size. This process is an old Shrimper’s trick for easing peeling of the shrimp.

Fill a large stock pot with water and add the powdered boil, liquid boil, onion halves, lemon halves, garlic and hot sauce. Bring to a boil.

Add the potatoes and boil for ten minutes. Then add the corn and cook for around 3-5 minutes. Add the shrimp (head on, in tact) and let it boil for around 2 minutes. Cut the heat off.

Remove the onion and cut into 4-6 pieces and return to water.

Add 1/4 cup of salt to the water. Let everything soak for 10 minutes.

Taste a shrimp. Does it need more salt? If so, add more to the water.

Let everything soak for an additional 20 minutes.


From my table to yours,


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